Interesting Documents

Euskadi Basque Country
The Basque Country 2025 Internationalization Framework Strategy is based on the historical trajectory and solid experience of a Country that has always lived open to the world. The evaluation of the progress made shows that the Basque Country has strengthened its external projection and its presence in the EU and in the main decision-making areas, and that it has established cooperation agreements with strategic countries and regions for our future.

KIT (English)
The Euskadi Basque Country KIT unifies the most important information about the Basque Country in the shape of PPTs and videos.
It also offers the reading of “An Ancient Country in Love with Modernity”, together with the video presenting the Euskadi Basque Country Eguna 2019.
We hope you will find this content useful in your internationalisation endeavours.
Download the Euskadi Basque Country KIT through the following link:

A vision of the future of Europe
The advantages of belonging to the European Union are unquestionable. In any case, it is time to jointly reflect and work on redirecting and strengthening the community project; time to recover the foundational values and place people at the centre of action in Europe. Today we have the opportunity to build a prosperous Europe, generator of wellbeing, caring, fair, united in its diversity and based on a true multi-level governance. Only thus can we advance towards an increasingly closer union between the peoples of Europe and commit, free and consciously, to this project of the future.

Euskadi Basque Country Agenda 2030
On 25 September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly unanimously approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is a universal, integral and transformative plan of action intended to sustainably favour human development in the social, economic and environmental fields.

Euskadi Basque Country - Kirmen Uribe
The Basque Country is a plural society, a diverse human group made up of individuals. Each one with their origin, their experiences and their way of being. A plurality we must hold on to at all costs. Being a member of a human group, having the sense of belonging to a country, does not mean that a particular society is homogenous. That would be rather vain. There is no such thing as a pure society. No. Said feeling of belonging makes that society more plural, and all feelings, ideas, origins and faiths must be respected. What causes problems is an inordinately strict reading of them all, the desire of one to alienate the other, but feelings, ideas, faiths are respectable in themselves.